The CEO of RL Drums was raised in England during the 1960’s. He had a parent that listened to rock and classical music every day. Naturally, his interest in rock music developed and within a couple years of moving to the USA, he asked for his first drum set which he played for a few years. But then the real world took over and he started a company in a completely different field which forced him to stop playing drums for many years. In 2020 – when the world went into a complete lockdown – he started working from home. Naturally, he was tired of the same routine with no other hobbies. Soon, he bought a drum set and started playing again. The rest is history.
“Before you know it, I was refurbishing drums and then decided to get involved in the actual manufacturing process. I haven’t looked back, and I am enjoying every minute of it. After checking out many competitors’ drums, I decided that I can make a drum just as good, if not better that theirs as well as offer the customer a competitively priced product.”
As of today, I have reached that goal; a high-quality drum at a competitive price. I have received multiple five star reviews on the Reverb website with compliments that my drums sound better than the competition. I now specialize mostly in 6” Acrylic Octobans in various lengths with multiple color options. Check out my offering on the products page and thank you so much for checking me out.” – CEO of RL Drums.